Member Spotlight | Q&A with iWIST Member Carmen Welta, Business Analyst and Project Manager

When did you join or learn about iWIST?

Six or 7 years ago I met IWIST founder, Robyn Quinn, at another event and she invited me to attend the iWIST holiday gathering. After a round of 12 Geeky Days, I knew I’d met my people! I’ve been a member since 2018.

Why does iWIST matter to your community?

IWIST is a diverse group that encourages networking, career development, and STEM engagement beyond more standard or traditional organizations. I appreciate the options; from keynote speakers and panelist events to STEM crawls at local organizations, general mixers, monthly Wellness Wanders and Book Club meetings - it is truly an organization that has something for everyone and is connected with the local community. 

What is your background in STEM?

I have degrees in Business and Computer Science and because I took all the electives in one for the other, I was able to get a broad exposure to both disciplines. This has led to success as a Business Analyst and Project Manager.

I’ve worked with international tech companies, public sector, and small organizations in a variety of industries. I love it - there is always something different! It allows for flexibility. For example, I’m currently finishing a contract with the University of Victoria, I am going to enjoy some time off for the summer, then look for a contract in the fall.

On your career journey, did you have peer support? Why is it important?

It sounds cliched though absolutely true that I would not have had the success I have without my first mentor. Over the years, there has been many women who have listened, laughed, strategized, and supported me. As women we tend to question and analyze each decision and it’s through peer support that we can learn to trust our own instincts and be confident in our knowledge.

What do you see as an opportunity for women in STEM?

In the past 30 years there has been a negligible increase in the number of women working in tech fields. I think organizations like iWIST are doing a great job to try and raise awareness of STEM opportunities to youth and young women. Showcasing that there are STEM careers that can be - but are not necessarily technical - is essential. 

Having peer mentors to help young women navigate their first opportunities in a safe and inclusive women-friendly environment cannot be overstated. I have a daughter who, while in university, co-founded a tech company but for a variety of reasons is now pursuing other career interests.

What is the difference between iWIST and other sector based associations?

I love that iWIST members do cover a wide range of backgrounds and STEM sectors. There are young women looking for their first jobs and women executives who are looking to share their experiences, opportunities, and encouragement.

What would you say if someone asked you about iWIST?

IWIST is an inclusive organization. If you’re currently in STEM or if you’re wondering what careers in STEM may be possible - come to an event. Introduce yourself and you’ll have a new group of supporters, cheerleaders, and friends. And if you’d like to know about opportunities for Project Management or Business Analysis, I would be happy to share my experiences.

What was the most fun you had at an iWIST event?

There have been so many fun and fabulous events…. So, let’s do a MOST iWIST:

  • INSPIRING - the most recent keynote speaker, Michelle Carr, was inspiring and insightful into what opportunities are available and the approach she has taken to leadership.

  • WELCOMING - all events are welcoming but the Wellness Wanders are fantastic to meet local STEM women, exercise, and enjoy places in Greater Victoria I don’t always visit.

  • INCLUSIVE - iWIST welcomes students through executives, both those currently in STEM and those looking to gain more knowledge.

  • SOCIAL - All events have a social component, but the sunshine summer gatherings are fun and fabulous.

  • TECH Focused- attending a full day STEM crawl that included visiting the Songhees Wellness Centre, Camosun Innovates, and the 443 Helicopter Squadron. We met amazing tech-savvy women leaders at every stop.

A special invitation: As a member of the Project Management Institute and the International Institute of Business Analysts, for anyone looking to learn more, please contact me via LinkedIn.


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Member Spotlight | Q&A with iWIST Member Pauline Finn, Executive Director of the Shaw Centre for the Salish Sea