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iWIST Lunch & Learn: Better Vacationing "how smarter breaks can boost your health, happiness & productivity"

Discover the secrets to life-changing vacations

Society often celebrates individuals for putting in long hours, but the modern epidemic of overwork has grave consequences on health and longevity—burnout, depression, anxiety, sleep problems, obesity, cardiovascular disease, and even death.

If you’re feeling stressed, burned out, or just too busy, the problem isn’t you, it’s your vacations. Vacations represent one of the most effective ways we can boost our health and wellness, but the concept hasn’t been given the scientific attention and analysis it deserves—until now.

In this session, Author of “You Need a (Better) Vacation”, Jennica Day invites us to an introductory discussion on how to dramatically increase the value of occupational breaks and how to treat work recovery the same way we treat athletic recovery: as necessary for optimal performance. Jennica will introduce the topic with a short presentation before we launch into breakout rooms to discuss strategies you can implement in your life.

More information on the topic can be found by purchasing Jennica’s Book: You Need a (better) Vacation. Available in paperback on Amazon here

WHEN: Thursday 13 March, 12:00-1:00 pm

WHERE: Virtual

FEE: Free

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